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Pippucci T, Savoia A, Perrotta S, Pujol-Moix N, Noris P, Castegnaro G, Pecci A, Gnan C, Punzo F, Marconi C, Gherardi S, Loffredo G, De Rocco D, Scianguetta S, Barozzi S, Magini P, Bozzi V, Dezzani L, Di Stazio M, Ferraro M, Perini G, Seri M, Balduini CL. Mutations in the 5' UTR of ANKRD26, the ankirin repeat domain 26 gene, cause an autosomal-dominant form of inherited thrombocytopenia, THC2. Am J Hum Genet 2011;88(1):115-20.
Pirastu N, Kooyman M, Traglia M, Robino A, Willems SM, Pistis G, d'Adamo P, Amin N, D'Eustacchio A, Navarini L, Sala C, Karssen LC, van Duijn C, Toniolo D, Gasparini P. Association analysis of bitter receptor genes in five isolated populations identifies a significant correlation between TAS2R43 variants and coffee liking. PLoS One 2014;9(3):e92065.
Pirastu N, Kooyman M, Traglia M, Robino A, Willems SM, Pistis G, Amin N, Sala C, Karssen LC, van Duijn C, Toniolo D, Gasparini P. A Genome-Wide Association Study in isolated populations reveals new genes associated to common food likings. Rev Endocr Metab Disord 2016;
Pirastu N, Robino A, Lanzara C, Athanasakis E, Esposito L, Tepper BJ, Gasparini P. Genetics of food preferences: a first view from silk road populations. J Food Sci 2012;77(12):S413-8.
Pirastu N, Kooyman M, Robino A, van der Spek A, Navarini L, Amin N, Karssen LC, van Duijn CM, Gasparini P. Non-additive genome-wide association scan reveals a new gene associated with habitual coffee consumption. Sci Rep 2016;6:31590.
Pirastu N, Kooyman M, Traglia M, Robino A, Willems SM, Pistis G, Amin N, Sala C, Karssen LC, van Duijn CM, Toniolo D, Gasparini P. Genome-wide association analysis on five isolated populations identifies variants of the HLA-DOA gene associated with white wine liking. Eur J Hum Genet 2015;23(12):1717-22.
Piscianz E, Candilera V, Valencic E, Loganes C, Paron G, De Iudicibus S, Decorti G, Tommasini A. Action of methotrexate and tofacitinib on directly stimulated and bystander-activated lymphocytes. Mol Med Rep 2016;14(1):574-82.
Piscianz E, Cuzzoni E, De Iudicibus S, Valencic E, Decorti G, Tommasini A. Differential action of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid on viability and activation of stimulated lymphocytes. Int Immunopharmacol 2011;11(12):2242-5.
Piscianz E, Valencic E, Cuzzoni E, De Iudicibus S, De Lorenzo E, Decorti G, Tommasini A. Fate of lymphocytes after withdrawal of tofacitinib treatment. PLoS One 2014;9(1):e85463.
Pivetta E, Maule MM, Pisani P, Zugna D, Haupt R, Jankovic M, Aricò M, Casale F, Clerico A, di Montezemolo LCordero, Kiren V, Locatelli F, Palumbo G, Pession A, Pillon M, Santoro N, Terenziani M, Valsecchi MGrazia, Dama E, Magnani C, Merletti F, Pastore G. Marriage and parenthood among childhood cancer survivors: a report from the Italian AIEOP Off-Therapy Registry. Haematologica 2011;96(5):744-51.
Pizzol A, Bramuzzo M, Pillon R, Taddio A, Barbi E. Torticollis as the Presenting Sign of Cervical Spondylodiscitis. Pediatr Emerg Care 2016;
Poillucci G, Degrassi F, Guida E, Pederiva F. "Milky" bowel and malrotation. Surgery 2017;162(2):468-469.

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