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Conter V, Valsecchi MGrazia, Parasole R, Putti MCaterina, Locatelli F, Barisone E, Nigro LLo, Santoro N, Aricò M, Ziino O, Pession A, Testi AMaria, Micalizzi C, Casale F, Zecca M, Casazza G, Tamaro P, La Barba G, Notarangelo LDora, Silvestri D, Colombini A, Rizzari C, Biondi A, Masera G, Basso G. Childhood high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia in first remission: results after chemotherapy or transplant from the AIEOP ALL 2000 study. Blood 2014;123(10):1470-8.
Conversano E, Cozzi G, Pavan M, Minute M, Gortan E, Montico M, Brumatti LVecchi, Ronfani L, Barbi E. Impact of near infrared light in pediatric blood drawing Centre on rate of first attempt success and time of procedure. Ital J Pediatr 2018;44(1):60.
Conversano E, Cozzi G, Poropat F, Di Mascio A, Salis S, Grasso DLeonardo, Barbi E. Adolescent with painful vesicular otitis and vertigo. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;104(2):103-105.
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Corallini F, Secchiero P, Castellino G, Montecucco M, Trotta F, Zauli G. Circulating levels of frizzled-related protein (FRZB) are increased in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis and decrease in response to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69(9):1733-4.
Corallini F, Celeghini C, Rimondi E, di Iasio MGrazia, Gonelli A, Secchiero P, Zauli G. Trail down-regulates the release of osteoprotegerin (OPG) by primary stromal cells. J Cell Physiol 2011;226(9):2279-86.
Corre T, Olinger E, Harris SE, Traglia M, Ulivi S, Lenarduzzi S, Belge H, Youhanna S, Tokonami N, Bonny O, Houillier P, Polasek O, Deary IJ, Starr JM, Toniolo D, Gasparini P, Vollenweider P, Hayward C, Bochud M, Devuyst O. Common variants in CLDN14 are associated with differential excretion of magnesium over calcium in urine. Pflugers Arch 2017;469(1):91-103.
Corrias F, Pederiva F, Cozzi G, Ammar L, Cattaruzzi E, Lembo MAntonietta, Barbi E. A Giant Ovarian Cyst in an Adolescent. J Pediatr 2018;199:279.
Cousminer DL, Stergiakouli E, Berry DJ, Ang W, Groen-Blokhuis MM, Körner A, Siitonen N, Ntalla I, Marinelli M, Perry JRB, Kettunen J, Jansen R, Surakka I, Timpson NJ, Ring S, McMahon G, Power C, Wang C, Kähönen M, Viikari J, Lehtimäki T, Middeldorp CM, Pol HEHulshoff, Neef M, Weise S, Pahkala K, Niinikoski H, Zeggini E, Panoutsopoulou K, Bustamante M, Penninx BWJH, Murabito J, Torrent M, Dedoussis GV, Kiess W, Boomsma DI, Pennell CE, Raitakari OT, Hyppönen E, Smith GDavey, Ripatti S, McCarthy MI, Widen E. Genome-wide association study of sexual maturation in males and females highlights a role for body mass and menarche loci in male puberty. Hum Mol Genet 2014;23(16):4452-64.
Cova MAssunta, Stacul F, Quaranta R, Guastalla P, Salvatori G, Banderali G, Fonda C, David V, Gregori M, Zuppa AAlberto, Davanzo R. Radiological contrast media in the breastfeeding woman: a position paper of the Italian Society of Radiology (SIRM), the Italian Society of Paediatrics (SIP), the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN) and the Task Force on Breastfeeding, Ministry of Health. Eur Radiol 2014;24(8):2012-22.

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