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Campisciano G, Toschetti A, Comar M, Di Taranto R, Berton F, Stacchi C. Shifts of subgingival bacterial population after nonsurgical and pharmacological therapy of localized aggressive periodontitis, followed for 1 year by Ion Torrent PGM platform. Eur J Dent 2017;11(1):126-129.
Campisciano G, Zanotta N, Licastro D, De Seta F, Comar M. In vivo microbiome and associated immune markers: New insights into the pathogenesis of vaginal dysbiosis. Sci Rep 2018;8(1):2307.
Cancrini C, Puliafito P, Digilio MCristina, Soresina A, Martino S, Rondelli R, Consolini R, Ruga EMaria, Cardinale F, Finocchi A, Romiti MLuisa, Martire B, Bacchetta R, Albano V, Carotti A, Specchia F, Montin D, Cirillo E, Cocchi G, Trizzino A, Bossi G, Milanesi O, Azzari C, Corsello G, Pignata C, Aiuti A, Pietrogrande MCristina, Marino B, Ugazio AGiovanni, Plebani A, Rossi P. Clinical features and follow-up in patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. J Pediatr 2014;164(6):1475-80.e2.
Cani A, Simioni C, Martelli AM, Zauli G, Tabellini G, Ultimo S, McCubrey JA, Capitani S, Neri LM. Triple Akt inhibition as a new therapeutic strategy in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Oncotarget 2015;6(9):6597-610.
Caorsi R, Penco F, Grossi A, Insalaco A, Omenetti A, Alessio M, Conti G, Marchetti F, Picco P, Tommasini A, Martino S, Malattia C, Gallizi R, Podda RAnna, Salis A, Falcini F, Schena F, Garbarino F, Morreale A, Pardeo M, Ventrici C, Passarelli C, Zhou Q, Severino M, Gandolfo C, Damonte G, Martini A, Ravelli A, Aksentijevich I, Ceccherini I, Gattorno M. ADA2 deficiency (DADA2) as an unrecognised cause of early onset polyarteritis nodosa and stroke: a multicentre national study. Ann Rheum Dis 2017;76(10):1648-1656.
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Cappelli E, Cuccarolo P, Stroppiana G, Miano M, Bottega R, Cossu V, Degan P, Ravera S. Defects in mitochondrial energetic function compels Fanconi Anaemia cells to glycolytic metabolism. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 2017;1863(6):1214-1221.
Caracciolo I, Bassetti M, Paladini G, Luzzati R, Santon D, Merelli M, De Sabbata G, Carletti T, Marcello A, D'Agaro P. Persistent viremia and urine shedding of tick-borne encephalitis virus in an infected immunosuppressed patient from a new epidemic cluster in North-Eastern Italy. J Clin Virol 2015;69:48-51.
Carbone F, Burger F, Roversi G, Tamborino C, Casetta I, Seraceni S, Trentini A, Padroni M, Bertolotto M, Dallegri F, Mach F, Fainardi E, Montecucco F. Leptin/adiponectin ratio predicts poststroke neurological outcome. Eur J Clin Invest 2015;45(11):1184-91.
Carbone F, Satta N, Montecucco F, Virzi J, Burger F, Roth A, Roversi G, Tamborino C, Casetta I, Seraceni S, Trentini A, Padroni M, Dallegri F, Lalive PH, Mach F, Fainardi E, Vuilleumier N. Anti-ApoA-1 IgG serum levels predict worse poststroke outcomes. Eur J Clin Invest 2016;46(9):805-17.
Carinci F, Monasta L, Rubini C, Stramazzotti D, Palmieri A, Melloni E, Knowles A, Ronfani L, Zauli G, Secchiero P. The negative prognostic value of TRAIL overexpression in oral squamous cell carcinomas does not preclude the potential therapeutic use of recombinant TRAIL. Invest New Drugs 2012;30(2):810-8.
Carletti C, Pani P, Monasta L, Knowles A, Cattaneo A. Introduction of Complementary Foods in a Cohort of Infants in Northeast Italy: Do Parents Comply with WHO Recommendations?. Nutrients 2017;9(1)

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