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Zauli G, Corallini F, Zorzet S, Grill V, Marzari R, Secchiero P. In vivo anti-lymphoma activity of an agonistic human recombinant anti-TRAIL-R2 minibody. Invest New Drugs 2012;30(1):405-7.
Zauli G, Tisato V, Melloni E, Volpato S, Cervellati C, Bonaccorsi G, Radillo O, Marci R, Secchiero P. Inverse correlation between circulating levels of TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand and 17β-estradiol. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014;99(4):E659-64.
Zauli G, Bosco R, Secchiero P. Molecular targets for selective killing of TRAIL-resistant leukemic cells. Expert Opin Ther Targets 2011;15(8):931-42.
Zauli G, Celeghini C, Monasta L, Martinelli M, Luppi S, Gonelli A, Grill V, Ricci G, Secchiero P. Soluble TRAIL is present at high concentrations in seminal plasma and promotes spermatozoa survival. Reproduction 2014;148(2):191-8.
Zauli G, Voltan R, Bosco R, Melloni E, Marmiroli S, Rigolin GMatteo, Cuneo A, Secchiero P. Dasatinib plus Nutlin-3 shows synergistic antileukemic activity in both p53 wild-type and p53 mutated B chronic lymphocytic leukemias by inhibiting the Akt pathway. Clin Cancer Res 2011;17(4):762-70.
Zauli G. Editorial: innovative therapeutic approaches for the treatment of pediatric autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Curr Pharm Des 2012;18(35):5728.
Zauli G, Voltan R, di Iasio MGrazia, Bosco R, Melloni E, Sana MElena, Secchiero P. miR-34a induces the downregulation of both E2F1 and B-Myb oncogenes in leukemic cells. Clin Cancer Res 2011;17(9):2712-24.
Zauli G, Celeghini C, Melloni E, Voltan R, Ongari M, Tiribelli M, di Iasio MGrazia, Lanza F, Secchiero P. The sorafenib plus nutlin-3 combination promotes synergistic cytotoxicity in acute myeloid leukemic cells irrespectively of FLT3 and p53 status. Haematologica 2012;97(11):1722-30.
Zauli G, Toffoli B, di Iasio MGrazia, Celeghini C, Fabris B, Secchiero P. Treatment with recombinant tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand alleviates the severity of streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Diabetes 2010;59(5):1261-5.
Zauli G, Monasta L, Rimondi E, Brumatti LVecchi, Radillo O, Ronfani L, Montico M, D'Ottavio G, Alberico S, Secchiero P. Circulating TRAIL shows a significant post-partum decline associated to stressful conditions. PLoS One 2011;6(12):e27011.

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