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Filtri: First Letter Of Last Name è B and Autore is Borelli, Violetta  [Clear All Filters]
Journal Article
Agostinis C, Vidergar R, Belmonte B, Mangogna A, Amadio L, Geri P, Borelli V, Zanconati F, Tedesco F, Confalonieri M, Tripodo C, Kishore U, Bulla R. Complement Protein C1q Binds to Hyaluronic Acid in the Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Microenvironment and Promotes Tumor Growth. Front Immunol 2017;8:1559.
Pascolo L, Borelli V, Canzonieri V, Gianoncelli A, Birarda G, Bedolla DE, Salomè M, Vaccari L, Calligaro C, Cotte M, Hesse B, Luisi F, Zabucchi G, Melato M, Rizzardi C. Differential protein folding and chemical changes in lung tissues exposed to asbestos or particulates. Sci Rep 2015;5:12129.
Trevisan E, Zabucchi G, Pascolo L, Pascotto E, Casarsa C, Lucattelli M, Lungarella G, Cavarra E, Bartalesi B, Zweyer M, Borelli V. Histopathological data of iron and calcium in the mouse lung after asbestos exposure. Data Brief 2016;6:769-75.
Crovella S, Bianco AMonica, Vuch J, Zupin L, Moura RRodrigues, Trevisan E, Schneider M, Brollo A, Nicastro EMaria, Cosenzi A, Zabucchi G, Borelli V. Iron signature in asbestos-induced malignant pleural mesothelioma: A population-based autopsy study. J Toxicol Environ Health A 2016;79(3):129-41.
Borelli V, Moura RR, Trevisan E, Crovella S. NLRP1 and NLRP3 polymorphisms in mesothelioma patients and asbestos exposed individuals a population-based autopsy study from North East Italy. Infect Agent Cancer 2015;10:26.
Borelli V, Trevisan E, Vita F, Bottin C, Melato M, Rizzardi C, Zabucchi G. Peroxidase-like activity of ferruginous bodies isolated by exploiting their magnetic property. J Toxicol Environ Health A 2012;75(11):603-23.
Pascolo L, Zabucchi G, Gianoncelli A, Kourousias G, Trevisan E, Pascotto E, Casarsa C, Ryan C, Lucattelli M, Lungarella G, Cavarra E, Bartalesi B, Zweyer M, Cammisuli F, Melato M, Borelli V. Synchrotron X-ray microscopy reveals early calcium and iron interaction with crocidolite fibers in the lung of exposed mice. Toxicol Lett 2016;241:111-20.

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