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Vitale SGiovanni, Capriglione S, Zito G, Lopez S, Gulino FAntonio, Di Guardo F, Vitagliano A, Noventa M, La Rosa VLucia, Sapia F, Valenti G, Rapisarda AMaria Chia, Peterlunger I, Rossetti D, Laganà ASimone. Management of endometrial, ovarian and cervical cancer in the elderly: current approach to a challenging condition. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2019;299(2):299-315.
Zaninetti C, De Rocco D, Giangregorio T, Bozzi V, Demeter J, Leoni P, Noris P, Ryhänen S, Barozzi S, Pecci A, Savoia A. MYH9-Related Thrombocytopenia: Four Novel Variants Affecting the Tail Domain of the Non-Muscle Myosin Heavy Chain IIA Associated with a Mild Clinical Evolution of the Disorder. Hamostaseologie 2019;39(1):87-94.
Zaninetti C, De Rocco D, Giangregorio T, Bozzi V, Demeter J, Leoni P, Noris P, Ryhänen S, Barozzi S, Pecci A, Savoia A. MYH9-Related Thrombocytopenia: Four Novel Variants Affecting the Tail Domain of the Non-Muscle Myosin Heavy Chain IIA Associated with a Mild Clinical Evolution of the Disorder. Hamostaseologie 2019;39(1):87-94.
Morgan A, Vuckovic D, Krishnamoorthy N, Rubinato E, Ambrosetti U, Castorina P, Franzè A, Vozzi D, La Bianca M, Cappellani S, Di Stazio M, Gasparini P, Girotto G. Next-generation sequencing identified SPATC1L as a possible candidate gene for both early-onset and age-related hearing loss. Eur J Hum Genet 2019;27(1):70-79.
Mancini C, Giorgio E, Rubegni A, Pradotto L, Bagnoli S, Rubino E, Prontera P, Cavalieri S, Di Gregorio E, Ferrero M, Pozzi E, Riberi E, Ferrero P, Nigro P, Mauro A, Zibetti M, Tessa A, Barghigiani M, Antenora A, Sirchia F, Piacentini S, Silvestri G, De Michele G, Filla A, Orsi L, Santorelli FM, Brusco A. Prevalence and phenotype of the c.1529C>T SPG7 variant in adult-onset cerebellar ataxia in Italy. Eur J Neurol 2019;26(1):80-86.
Mancini C, Giorgio E, Rubegni A, Pradotto L, Bagnoli S, Rubino E, Prontera P, Cavalieri S, Di Gregorio E, Ferrero M, Pozzi E, Riberi E, Ferrero P, Nigro P, Mauro A, Zibetti M, Tessa A, Barghigiani M, Antenora A, Sirchia F, Piacentini S, Silvestri G, De Michele G, Filla A, Orsi L, Santorelli FM, Brusco A. Prevalence and phenotype of the c.1529C>T SPG7 variant in adult-onset cerebellar ataxia in Italy. Eur J Neurol 2019;26(1):80-86.
Da Lozzo P, Magnolato A, Del Rizzo I, Sirchia F, Bruno I, Barbi E. When Long-Lasting Food Selectivity Leads to an Unusual Genetic Diagnosis: A Case Report. J Adolesc Health 2019;64(1):137-138.
Da Lozzo P, Magnolato A, Del Rizzo I, Sirchia F, Bruno I, Barbi E. When Long-Lasting Food Selectivity Leads to an Unusual Genetic Diagnosis: A Case Report. J Adolesc Health 2019;64(1):137-138.

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