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Agostinis C, Bulla R, Tripodo C, Gismondi A, Stabile H, Bossi F, Guarnotta C, Garlanda C, De Seta F, Spessotto P, Santoni A, Ghebrehiwet B, Girardi G, Tedesco F. An alternative role of C1q in cell migration and tissue remodeling: contribution to trophoblast invasion and placental development. J Immunol 2010;185(7):4420-9.
Segat L, Morgutti M, Athanasakis E, Trevisiol C, Amaddeo A, Poli F, Crovella S. Analysis of DEFB1 regulatory SNPs in cystic fibrosis patients from North-Eastern Italy. Int J Immunogenet 2010;37(3):169-75.
Boscolo S, Lorenzon A, Sblattero D, Florian F, Stebel M, Marzari R, Not T, Aeschlimann D, Ventura A, Hadjivassiliou M, Tongiorgi E. Anti transglutaminase antibodies cause ataxia in mice. PLoS One 2010;5(3):e9698.
Boscolo S, Lorenzon A, Sblattero D, Florian F, Stebel M, Marzari R, Not T, Aeschlimann D, Ventura A, Hadjivassiliou M, Tongiorgi E. Anti transglutaminase antibodies cause ataxia in mice. PLoS One 2010;5(3):e9698.
Segat L, Guimarães RL, Brandão LAC, Rocha CRC, Zanin V, Trevisiol C, Filho JLuiz de Li, Crovella S. Beta defensin-1 gene (DEFB1) polymorphisms are not associated with atopic dermatitis in children and adolescents from northeast Brazil (Recife, Pernambuco). Int J Dermatol 2010;49(6):653-7.
Fabretto A, Shardlow A, Faletra F, Lepore L, Hladnik U, Gasparini P. A case of lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome carrying a new de novo frameshift FOXC2 mutation. Ophthalmic Genet 2010;31(2):98-100.
Corallini F, Secchiero P, Castellino G, Montecucco M, Trotta F, Zauli G. Circulating levels of frizzled-related protein (FRZB) are increased in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis and decrease in response to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69(9):1733-4.
Olivito B, Taddio A, Simonini G, Massai C, Ciullini S, Gambineri E, de Martino M, Azzari C, Cimaz R. Defective FOXP3 expression in patients with acute Kawasaki disease and restoration by intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2010;28(1 Suppl 57):93-7.
Auriti C, Ronchetti MPaola, Pezzotti P, Marrocco G, Quondamcarlo A, Seganti G, Bagnoli F, De Felice C, Buonocore G, Arioni C, Serra G, Bacolla G, Corso G, Mastropasqua S, Mari A, Corchia C, Di Lallo D, Ravà L, Orzalesi M, Di Ciommo V. Determinants of nosocomial infection in 6 neonatal intensive care units: an Italian multicenter prospective cohort study. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2010;31(9):926-33.
Auriti C, Ronchetti MPaola, Pezzotti P, Marrocco G, Quondamcarlo A, Seganti G, Bagnoli F, De Felice C, Buonocore G, Arioni C, Serra G, Bacolla G, Corso G, Mastropasqua S, Mari A, Corchia C, Di Lallo D, Ravà L, Orzalesi M, Di Ciommo V. Determinants of nosocomial infection in 6 neonatal intensive care units: an Italian multicenter prospective cohort study. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2010;31(9):926-33.
Ntoburi S, Hutchings A, Sanderson C, Carpenter J, Weber M, English M. Development of paediatric quality of inpatient care indicators for low-income countries - A Delphi study. BMC Pediatr 2010;10:90.
Pecci A, Gresele P, Klersy C, Savoia A, Noris P, Fierro T, Bozzi V, Mezzasoma AMaria, Melazzini F, Balduini CL. Eltrombopag for the treatment of the inherited thrombocytopenia deriving from MYH9 mutations. Blood 2010;116(26):5832-7.

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