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Bordugo A, Carlin E, Demarini S, Faletra F, Colonna F. A neonate with a 'milky' blood. What can it be?. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2014;99(6):F514.
Bua J, Trappan A, Demarini S, Grasso D, Schleef J, Zennaro F. Neonatal necrotizing tracheobronchitis. J Pediatr 2011;159(4):699-699.e1.
Bramuzzo M, Davanzo R. Neonatal jaundice and breastfeeding reputation. J Hum Lact 2010;26(4):362.
Carinci F, Monasta L, Rubini C, Stramazzotti D, Palmieri A, Melloni E, Knowles A, Ronfani L, Zauli G, Secchiero P. The negative prognostic value of TRAIL overexpression in oral squamous cell carcinomas does not preclude the potential therapeutic use of recombinant TRAIL. Invest New Drugs 2012;30(2):810-8.
Pascolo P, Peri F, Montico M, Funaro M, Parrino R, Vanadia F, Rusalen F, Vecchiato L, Benini F, Congedi S, Barbi E, Cozzi G. Needle-related pain and distress management during needle-related procedures in children with and without intellectual disability. Eur J Pediatr 2018;177(12):1753-1760.
Marcuzzi A, Tommasini A, Crovella S, Pontillo A. Natural isoprenoids inhibit LPS-induced-production of cytokines and nitric oxide in aminobisphosphonate-treated monocytes. Int Immunopharmacol 2010;10(6):639-42.
Barone R, Carrozzi M, Parini R, Battini R, Martinelli D, Elia M, Spada M, Lilliu F, Ciana G, Burlina A, Leuzzi V, Leoni M, Sturiale L, Matthijs G, Jaeken J, Di Rocco M, Garozzo D, Fiumara A. A nationwide survey of PMM2-CDG in Italy: high frequency of a mild neurological variant associated with the L32R mutation. J Neurol 2015;262(1):154-64.
Benini F, Piga S, Zangardi T, Messi G, Tomasello C, Pirozzi N, Cuttini M. Nationwide study of headache pain in Italy shows that pain assessment is still inadequate in paediatric emergency care. Acta Paediatr 2016;105(5):e200-8.
Delbue S, Comar M, Ferrante P. Natalizumab treatment of multiple sclerosis: new insights. Immunotherapy 2017;9(2):157-171.
Schreiber S, Ronfani L, Ghirardo S, Minen F, Taddio A, Jaber M, Rizzello E, Barbi E. Nasal irrigation with saline solution significantly improves oxygen saturation in infants with bronchiolitis. Acta Paediatr 2015;
Pontillo A, Catamo E, Arosio B, Mari D, Crovella S. NALP1/NLRP1 genetic variants are associated with Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord 2012;26(3):277-81.

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