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Agostinis C, Zorzet S, De Leo R, Zauli G, De Seta F, Bulla R. The combination of N-acetyl cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, and bromelain shows high anti-inflammatory properties in novel in vivo and in vitro models of endometriosis. Mediators Inflamm 2015;2015:918089.
Agostinis C, Vidergar R, Belmonte B, Mangogna A, Amadio L, Geri P, Borelli V, Zanconati F, Tedesco F, Confalonieri M, Tripodo C, Kishore U, Bulla R. Complement Protein C1q Binds to Hyaluronic Acid in the Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Microenvironment and Promotes Tumor Growth. Front Immunol 2017;8:1559.
Agostinis C, Bulla R, Tripodo C, Gismondi A, Stabile H, Bossi F, Guarnotta C, Garlanda C, De Seta F, Spessotto P, Santoni A, Ghebrehiwet B, Girardi G, Tedesco F. An alternative role of C1q in cell migration and tissue remodeling: contribution to trophoblast invasion and placental development. J Immunol 2010;185(7):4420-9.
Agostinis C, Tedesco F, Bulla R. Alternative functions of the complement protein C1q at embryo implantation site. J Reprod Immunol 2017;119:74-80.
Agostinis C, Biffi S, Garrovo C, Durigutto P, Lorenzon A, Bek A, Bulla R, Grossi C, Borghi MO, Meroni P, Tedesco F. In vivo distribution of β2 glycoprotein I under various pathophysiologic conditions. Blood 2011;118(15):4231-8.
Agostinis C, Rami D, Zacchi P, Bossi F, Stampalija T, Mangogna A, Amadio L, Vidergar R, Brumatti LVecchi, Ricci G, Celeghini C, Radillo O, Sargent I, Bulla R. Pre-eclampsia affects procalcitonin production in placental tissue. Am J Reprod Immunol 2018;79(4):e12823.
Agrusti A, Gregori M, Salviato T, Codrich D, Barbi E. Adenomyomatosis of the Gallbladder as a Cause of Recurrent Abdominal Pain. J Pediatr 2018;202:328-328.e1.
Alberici I, La Manna A, Pennesi M, Starc M, Scozzola F, Nicolini G, Toffolo A, Marra G, Chimenz R, Sica F, Maringhini S, Monasta L, Montini G. First urinary tract infections in children: the role of the risk factors proposed by the Italian recommendations. Acta Paediatr 2019;108(3):544-550.
Alberico S, Erenbourg A, Hod M, Yogev Y, Hadar E, Neri F, Ronfani L, Maso G. Immediate delivery or expectant management in gestational diabetes at term: the GINEXMAL randomised controlled trial. BJOG 2017;124(4):669-677.
Alberico S, Businelli C, Wiesenfeld U, Erenbourg A, Maso G, Piccoli M, Ronfani L. Gestational diabetes and fetal growth acceleration: induction of labour versus expectant management. Minerva Ginecol 2010;62(6):533-9.
Alberico S, Montico M, Barresi V, Monasta L, Businelli C, Soini V, Erenbourg A, Ronfani L, Maso G. The role of gestational diabetes, pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain on the risk of newborn macrosomia: results from a prospective multicentre study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2014;14:23.
Alberini E, Vellante V, Zennaro F, Calligaris L, Barbi E, Carrozzi M, Devescovi R. Acute pseudotumoral hemicerebellitis in a child: a rare and distinct entity?. J Child Neurol 2015;30(4):496-9.

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