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Zaninetti C, De Rocco D, Giangregorio T, Bozzi V, Demeter J, Leoni P, Noris P, Ryhänen S, Barozzi S, Pecci A, Savoia A. MYH9-Related Thrombocytopenia: Four Novel Variants Affecting the Tail Domain of the Non-Muscle Myosin Heavy Chain IIA Associated with a Mild Clinical Evolution of the Disorder. Hamostaseologie 2019;39(1):87-94.
Mancini C, Giorgio E, Rubegni A, Pradotto L, Bagnoli S, Rubino E, Prontera P, Cavalieri S, Di Gregorio E, Ferrero M, Pozzi E, Riberi E, Ferrero P, Nigro P, Mauro A, Zibetti M, Tessa A, Barghigiani M, Antenora A, Sirchia F, Piacentini S, Silvestri G, De Michele G, Filla A, Orsi L, Santorelli FM, Brusco A. Prevalence and phenotype of the c.1529C>T SPG7 variant in adult-onset cerebellar ataxia in Italy. Eur J Neurol 2019;26(1):80-86.
Mancini C, Giorgio E, Rubegni A, Pradotto L, Bagnoli S, Rubino E, Prontera P, Cavalieri S, Di Gregorio E, Ferrero M, Pozzi E, Riberi E, Ferrero P, Nigro P, Mauro A, Zibetti M, Tessa A, Barghigiani M, Antenora A, Sirchia F, Piacentini S, Silvestri G, De Michele G, Filla A, Orsi L, Santorelli FM, Brusco A. Prevalence and phenotype of the c.1529C>T SPG7 variant in adult-onset cerebellar ataxia in Italy. Eur J Neurol 2019;26(1):80-86.
Mancini C, Giorgio E, Rubegni A, Pradotto L, Bagnoli S, Rubino E, Prontera P, Cavalieri S, Di Gregorio E, Ferrero M, Pozzi E, Riberi E, Ferrero P, Nigro P, Mauro A, Zibetti M, Tessa A, Barghigiani M, Antenora A, Sirchia F, Piacentini S, Silvestri G, De Michele G, Filla A, Orsi L, Santorelli FM, Brusco A. Prevalence and phenotype of the c.1529C>T SPG7 variant in adult-onset cerebellar ataxia in Italy. Eur J Neurol 2019;26(1):80-86.
Mancini C, Giorgio E, Rubegni A, Pradotto L, Bagnoli S, Rubino E, Prontera P, Cavalieri S, Di Gregorio E, Ferrero M, Pozzi E, Riberi E, Ferrero P, Nigro P, Mauro A, Zibetti M, Tessa A, Barghigiani M, Antenora A, Sirchia F, Piacentini S, Silvestri G, De Michele G, Filla A, Orsi L, Santorelli FM, Brusco A. Prevalence and phenotype of the c.1529C>T SPG7 variant in adult-onset cerebellar ataxia in Italy. Eur J Neurol 2019;26(1):80-86.
Faleschini M, Melazzini F, Marconi C, Giangregorio T, Pippucci T, Cigalini E, Pecci A, Bottega R, Ramenghi U, Siitonen T, Seri M, Pastore A, Savoia A, Noris P. ACTN1 mutations lead to a benign form of platelet macrocytosis not always associated with thrombocytopenia. Br J Haematol 2018;183(2):276-288.
Faleschini M, Melazzini F, Marconi C, Giangregorio T, Pippucci T, Cigalini E, Pecci A, Bottega R, Ramenghi U, Siitonen T, Seri M, Pastore A, Savoia A, Noris P. ACTN1 mutations lead to a benign form of platelet macrocytosis not always associated with thrombocytopenia. Br J Haematol 2018;183(2):276-288.
Faleschini M, Melazzini F, Marconi C, Giangregorio T, Pippucci T, Cigalini E, Pecci A, Bottega R, Ramenghi U, Siitonen T, Seri M, Pastore A, Savoia A, Noris P. ACTN1 mutations lead to a benign form of platelet macrocytosis not always associated with thrombocytopenia. Br J Haematol 2018;183(2):276-288.
Amoroso S, Scarpa M-G, Poropat F, Giorgi R, Murru FMaria, Barbi E. Acute small bowel obstruction in a child with a strict raw vegan diet. Arch Dis Child 2018;
Pillon R, Pennesi M, Rabach I, Barbi E. Adolescent with intermittent haematuria. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2018;
Pillon R, Pennesi M, Rabach I, Barbi E. Adolescent with intermittent haematuria. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2018;
Cason C, Monasta L, Zanotta N, Campisciano G, Maestri I, Tommasino M, Pawlita M, Villani S, Comar M, Delbue S. Antibody response to polyomavirus primary infection: high seroprevalence of Merkel cell polyomavirus and lymphoid tissue involvement. J Neurovirol 2018;24(3):314-322.

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