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C Mis C, Truccolo I, Ravaioli V, Cocchi S, Gangeri L, Mosconi P, Drace C, Pomicino L, Paradiso A, De Paoli P. Making patient centered care a reality: a survey of patient educational programs in Italian Cancer Research and Care Institutes. BMC Health Serv Res 2015;15:298.
Davanzo R, De Cunto A, Paviotti G, Travan L, Inglese S, Brovedani P, Crocetta A, Calligaris C, Corubolo E, Dussich V, Verardi G, Causin E, Kennedy J, Marrazzo F, Strajn T, Sanesi C, Demarini S. Making the first days of life safer: preventing sudden unexpected postnatal collapse while promoting breastfeeding. J Hum Lact 2015;31(1):47-52.
Bembich S, Cont G, Baldassi G, Bua J, Demarini S. Maternal holding vs oral glucose administration as nonpharmacologic analgesia in newborns: a functional neuroimaging study. JAMA Pediatr 2015;169(3):284-5.
Terenziani M, D'Angelo P, Inserra A, Boldrini R, Bisogno G, Babbo GLuca, Conte M, Igna PDall', De Pasquale MDebora, Indolfi P, Piva L, Riccipetitoni G, Siracusa F, Spreafico F, Tamaro P, Cecchetto G. Mature and immature teratoma: A report from the second Italian pediatric study. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2015;62(7):1202-8.
Zupin L, Polesello V, Casalicchio G, Freato N, Maestri I, Comar M, Crovella S, Segat L. MBL2 polymorphisms in women with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. J Med Virol 2015;87(5):851-9.
Girardi D, Falco A, De Carlo A, Benevene P, Comar M, Tongiorgi E, Bartolucci GBattista. The mediating role of interpersonal conflict at work in the relationship between negative affectivity and biomarkers of stress. J Behav Med 2015;38(6):922-31.
Coelho AVictor Cam, De Moura RRodrigues, da Silva RCelerino, Kamada AJiro, Guimarães RLima, Brandão LAndré Cav, Coelho HFernandes, Crovella S. Meta-analysis and time series modeling allow a systematic review of primary HIV-1 drug-resistant prevalence in Latin America and Caribbean. Curr HIV Res 2015;13(2):125-42.
de Moura RRodrigues, Coelho AVictor Cam, Balbino Vde Queiroz, Crovella S, Brandão LAndré Cav. Meta-analysis of Brazilian genetic admixture and comparison with other Latin America countries. Am J Hum Biol 2015;27(5):674-80.
Maximova N, Zanon D, Pascolo L, Zennaro F, Gregori M, Grosso D, Sonzogni A. Metal accumulation in the renal cortex of a pediatric patient with sickle cell disease: a case report and review of the literature. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2015;37(4):311-4.
Tricarico PMaura, Crovella S, Celsi F. Mevalonate Pathway Blockade, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autophagy: A Possible Link. Int J Mol Sci 2015;16(7):16067-84.
Tricarico PMaura, Piscianz E, Monasta L, Kleiner G, Crovella S, Marcuzzi A. Microglia activation and interaction with neuronal cells in a biochemical model of mevalonate kinase deficiency. Apoptosis 2015;20(8):1048-55.
Boding L, Hansen AK, Meroni G, Levring TB, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C. MID2 can substitute for MID1 and control exocytosis of lytic granules in cytotoxic T cells. APMIS 2015;123(8):682-7.

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