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Agostinis C, Vidergar R, Belmonte B, Mangogna A, Amadio L, Geri P, Borelli V, Zanconati F, Tedesco F, Confalonieri M, Tripodo C, Kishore U, Bulla R. Complement Protein C1q Binds to Hyaluronic Acid in the Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Microenvironment and Promotes Tumor Growth. Front Immunol 2017;8:1559.
Maximova N, Antonio P, Marilena G, Rovere F, Tamaro P. Complete remission of VZV reactivation treated with valganciclovir in a patient with total lymphocyte depletion and acute kidney injury after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. APMIS 2015;123(1):77-80.
Catamo E, Addobbati C, Segat L, T Fragoso S, A Dantas T, H Mariz deAtaíde, L Junior Fda Rocha, PintoDuarte ALBranco, Coelho AVC, de Moura RR, Polesello V, Crovella S, P Garcia S. Comprehensive analysis of polymorphisms in the HLA-G 5' upstream regulatory and 3' untranslated regions in Brazilian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Tissue Antigens 2015;85(6):458-65.
Calligaris L, Davide Z, Alessandra M, De Bortoli R, Chiaretti A, Barbi E. Concentrated midazolam for intranasal administration: a pilot study. Pediatr Emerg Care 2011;27(3):245-7.
Girotto G, Mezzavilla M, Abdulhadi K, Vuckovic D, Vozzi D, Alkowari MKhalifa, Gasparini P, Badii R. Consanguinity and hereditary hearing loss in Qatar. Hum Hered 2014;77(1-4):175-82.
Girotto G, Mezzavilla M, Abdulhadi K, Vuckovic D, Vozzi D, Alkowari MKhalifa, Gasparini P, Badii R. Consanguinity and hereditary hearing loss in Qatar. Hum Hered 2014;77(1-4):175-82.
Norbedo S, Perini R, Amaddeo A. A coughing spine. Emerg Med J 2012;29(1):14.
Biffi S, Andolfi L, Caltagirone C, Garrovo C, Falchi AM, Lippolis V, Lorenzon A, Macor P, Meli V, Monduzzi M, Obiols-Rabasa M, Petrizza L, Prodi L, Rosa A, Schmidt J, Talmon Y, Murgia S. Cubosomes for in vivo fluorescence lifetime imaging. Nanotechnology 2017;28(5):055102.
Llop S, Tran V, Ballester F, Barbone F, Sofianou-Katsoulis A, Sunyer J, Engström K, Alhamdow A, Love TM, Watson GE, Bustamante M, Murcia M, Iñiguez C, Shamlaye CF, Rosolen V, Mariuz M, Horvat M, Tratnik JS, Mazej D, van Wijngaarden E, Davidson PW, Myers GJ, Rand MD, Broberg K. CYP3A genes and the association between prenatal methylmercury exposure and neurodevelopment. Environ Int 2017;105:34-42.

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