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Porto AGiuseppe, Brun F, Severini GMaria, Losurdo P, Fabris E, Taylor MRG, Mestroni L, Sinagra G. Clinical Spectrum of PRKAG2 Syndrome. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2016;9(1):e003121.
von Lowtzow C, Hofmann A, Zhang R, Marsch F, Ebert A-K, Rösch W, Stein R, Boemers TM, Hirsch K, Marcelis C, Feitz WFJ, Brusco A, Migone N, Di Grazia M, Moebus S, Nöthen MM, Reutter H, Ludwig M, Draaken M. CNV analysis in 169 patients with bladder exstrophy-epispadias complex. BMC Med Genet 2016;17(1):35.
Ribes-Koninckx C, Mearin ML, Korponay-Szabó IR, Shamir R, Husby S, Ventura A, Branski D, Catassi C, Koletzko S, Mäki M, Troncone R, Zimmer KP. Coeliac disease diagnosis: ESPGHAN 1990 criteria or need for a change? Results of a questionnaire. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2012;54(1):15-9.
Benelli E, Carrato V, Martelossi S, Ronfani L, Not T, Ventura A. Coeliac disease in the ERA of the new ESPGHAN and BSPGHAN guidelines: a prospective cohort study. Arch Dis Child 2015;
Cuttini M, Ferrante P, Mirante N, Chiandotto V, Fertz M, Dall'Oglio AMaria, Coletti MFranca, Johnson S. Cognitive assessment of very preterm infants at 2-year corrected age: performance of the Italian version of the PARCA-R parent questionnaire. Early Hum Dev 2012;88(3):159-63.
Agostinis C, Zorzet S, De Leo R, Zauli G, De Seta F, Bulla R. The combination of N-acetyl cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, and bromelain shows high anti-inflammatory properties in novel in vivo and in vitro models of endometriosis. Mediators Inflamm 2015;2015:918089.
Santarelli L, Staffolani S, Strafella E, Nocchi L, Manzella N, Grossi P, Bracci M, Pignotti E, Alleva R, Borghi B, Pompili C, Sabbatini A, Rubini C, Zuccatosta L, Bichisecchi E, Valentino M, Horwood K, Comar M, Bovenzi M, Dong L-F, Neuzil J, Amati M, Tomasetti M. Combined circulating epigenetic markers to improve mesothelin performance in the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma. Lung Cancer 2015;
Gianoncelli A, Kourousias G, Cammisuli F, Cassese D, Rizzardi C, Radillo O, Lazzarino M, Pascolo L. Combined use of AFM and soft X-ray microscopy to reveal fibres' internalization in mesothelial cells. Analyst 2017;142(11):1982-1992.
Monasta L, Knowles A. Comment on: 'Anthropometric parameters in relation to glycaemic status and lipid profile in a multi-ethnic sample in Italy' by Gualdi-Russo et al. Public Health Nutr 2015;:1.
Santos Rde Luna Al, Crovella S, Celsi F. Comment to Santos et al., "hyper-IgD and periodic fever syndrome: a new MVK mutation (p.R277G) associated with a severe phenotype". Gene 2015;559(1):99-101.
Marcuzzi A, Zanin V, Crovella S, Pontillo A. Comments on ''Geranylgeraniol--a new potential therapeutic approach to bisphosphonate associated osteonecrosis of the jaw" by Ziebart T et al. (2011). Oral Oncol 2011;47(5):436-7; author reply 438.
Vuch J, Marcuzzi A, Zanin V, Crovella S. Comments to the editor concerning the paper entitled "Preclinical renal cancer chemopreventive efficacy of geraniol by modulation of multiple molecular pathways" Shiekh Tanveer Ahmad et al. Toxicology 2012;293(1-3):123-4.

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