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Crocco S, Martelossi S, Giurici N, Villanacci V, Ventura A. Upper gastrointestinal involvement in paediatric onset Crohn's disease: prevalence and clinical implications. J Crohns Colitis 2012;6(1):51-5.
de Moura RR, Balbino Vde Queiroz, Crovella S, Brandão LAC. On the use of Chinese population as a proxy of Amerindian ancestors in genetic admixture studies with Latin American populations. Eur J Hum Genet 2015;
Barbi E, Rizzello E, Taddio A. Use of ketamine continuous infusion for pediatric sedation in septic shock. Pediatr Emerg Care 2010;26(9):689-90.
Lazzerini M, Martelossi S, Ventura A. Use of placebo in a trial of thalidomide for pediatric Crohn disease--reply. JAMA 2014;311(12):1251-2.
Floridia M, Ravizza M, Guaraldi G, Pinnetti C, Martinelli P, Tamburrini E. Use of specific antiretroviral regimens among HIV-infected women in Italy at time of conception: 2001-2011. AIDS Patient Care STDS 2012;26(8):439-43.
Tariq S, Townsend CL, Cortina-Borja M, Duong T, Elford J, Thorne C, Tookey PA. Use of zidovudine-sparing HAART in pregnant HIV-infected women in Europe: 2000-2009. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2011;57(4):326-33.
Stocco G, Londero M, Campanozzi A, Martelossi S, Marino S, Malusà N, Bartoli F, Decorti G, Ventura A. Usefulness of the measurement of azathioprine metabolites in the assessment of non-adherence. J Crohns Colitis 2010;4(5):599-602.
Taddio A, Simonini G, Lionetti P, Lepore L, Martelossi S, Ventura A, Cimaz R. Usefulness of wireless capsule endoscopy for detecting inflammatory bowel disease in children presenting with arthropathy. Eur J Pediatr 2011;170(10):1343-7.
Lenarduzzi S, Vozzi D, Morgan A, Rubinato E, D'Eustacchio A, Osland TM, Rossi C, Graziano C, Castorina P, Ambrosetti U, Morgutti M, Girotto G. Usher syndrome: an effective sequencing approach to establish a genetic and clinical diagnosis. Hear Res 2015;320:18-23.

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