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Poropat F, Ventura G, Murru FM, Orzan E, Maschio M. A boy with acute strabismus. J Pediatr 2012;161(6):1178.
Monasta L, Ronfani L, Marchetti F, Montico M, Brumatti LVecchi, Bavcar A, Grasso D, Barbiero C, Tamburlini G. Burden of disease caused by otitis media: systematic review and global estimates. PLoS One 2012;7(4):e36226.
De Cunto A, Bensa M, Tonelli A. A case of familial hemiplegic migraine associated with a novel ATP1A2 gene mutation. Pediatr Neurol 2012;47(2):133-6.
Catamo E, Segat L, Lenarduzzi S, Petix V, Morgutti M, Crovella S. CD14 polymorphisms correlate with an augmented risk for celiac disease in Italian patients. Genes Immun 2012;13(6):489-95.
Carlino C, Trotta E, Stabile H, Morrone S, Bulla R, Soriani A, Iannitto MLuisa, Agostinis C, Mocci C, Minozzi M, Aragona C, Perniola G, Tedesco F, Sozzani S, Santoni A, Gismondi A. Chemerin regulates NK cell accumulation and endothelial cell morphogenesis in the decidua during early pregnancy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2012;97(10):3603-12.
Gortani G, Maschio M, Ventura A. A child with edema, lower limb deformity, and recurrent diarrhea. J Pediatr 2012;161(6):1177.
Copertino M, Barbi E, Poli F, Zennaro F, Ferrari M, Carrera P, Ventura A. A child with severe pneumomediastinum and ABCA3 gene mutation: a puzzling connection. Arch Bronconeumol 2012;48(4):139-40.
Bianco AMonica, Zanin V, Marcuzzi A, Crovella S. Clarification of the pleiotropic effects of statins on mevalonate pathway and the feedback regulation of isoprenoids requires more comprehensive investigation. Cell Biochem Funct 2012;30(2):176.
Noris P, Perrotta S, Bottega R, Pecci A, Melazzini F, Civaschi E, Russo S, Magrin S, Loffredo G, Di Salvo V, Russo G, Casale M, De Rocco D, Grignani C, Cattaneo M, Baronci C, Dragani A, Albano V, Jankovic M, Scianguetta S, Savoia A, Balduini CL. Clinical and laboratory features of 103 patients from 42 Italian families with inherited thrombocytopenia derived from the monoallelic Ala156Val mutation of GPIbα (Bolzano mutation). Haematologica 2012;97(1):82-8.
Maso G, Businelli C, Piccoli M, Montico M, De Seta F, Sartore A, Alberico S. The clinical interpretation and significance of electronic fetal heart rate patterns 2 h before delivery: an institutional observational study. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2012;286(5):1153-9.
Ribes-Koninckx C, Mearin ML, Korponay-Szabó IR, Shamir R, Husby S, Ventura A, Branski D, Catassi C, Koletzko S, Mäki M, Troncone R, Zimmer KP. Coeliac disease diagnosis: ESPGHAN 1990 criteria or need for a change? Results of a questionnaire. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2012;54(1):15-9.
Cuttini M, Ferrante P, Mirante N, Chiandotto V, Fertz M, Dall'Oglio AMaria, Coletti MFranca, Johnson S. Cognitive assessment of very preterm infants at 2-year corrected age: performance of the Italian version of the PARCA-R parent questionnaire. Early Hum Dev 2012;88(3):159-63.

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