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De Leo L, Marcuzzi A, Decorti G, Tommasini A, Crovella S, Pontillo A. Targeting farnesyl-transferase as a novel therapeutic strategy for mevalonate kinase deficiency: in vitro and in vivo approaches. Pharmacol Res 2010;61(6):506-10.
Poropat F, Cozzi G, Magnolato A, Monasta L, Borrometi F, Krauss B, Ventura A, Barbi E. Teaching pain recognition through art: the Ramsay-Caravaggio sedation scale. Ital J Pediatr 2018;44(1):20.
Pellegrin MChiara, Naviglio S, Cattaruzzi E, Barbi E, Ventura A. A Teenager with Sudden Unilateral Breast Enlargement. J Pediatr 2017;182:394.
Zennaro F, Grosso D, Fascetta R, Marini M, Odoni L, Di Carlo V, Dibello D, Vittoria F, Lazzerini M. Teleradiology for remote consultation using iPad improves the use of health system human resources for paediatric fractures: prospective controlled study in a tertiary care hospital in Italy. BMC Health Serv Res 2014;14:327.
Bramuzzo M, Ventura A, Martelossi S, Lazzerini M. Thalidomide for inflammatory bowel disease: Systematic review. Medicine (Baltimore) 2016;95(30):e4239.
Valencic E, Grasso AGiacomo, Conversano E, Lucafò M, Piscianz E, Gregori M, Conti F, Cancrini C, Tommasini A. Theophylline as a precision therapy in a young girl with PIK3R1 immunodeficiency. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 2018;6(6):2165-2167.
De Cunto A, Paviotti G, Bua J, Demarini S. Theophylline increases diaphragmatic contractility in mechanically ventilated newborns. J Crit Care 2017;37:264-265.
Hasija R, Pistorio A, Ravelli A, Demirkaya E, Khubchandani R, Guseinova D, Malattia C, Canhao H, Harel L, Foell D, Wouters C, De Cunto C, Huemer C, Kimura Y, Mangge H, Minetti C, Nordal EBerit, Philippet P, Garozzo R, Martini A, Ruperto N. Therapeutic approaches in the treatment of juvenile dermatomyositis in patients with recent-onset disease and in those experiencing disease flare: an international multicenter PRINTO study. Arthritis Rheum 2011;63(10):3142-52.
Freudenberg F, Wintergerst U, Roesen-Wolff A, Albert MH, Prell C, Strahm B, Koletzko S, Ehl S, Roos D, Tommasini A, Ventura A, Belohradsky BH, Seger R, Roesler J, Güngör T. Therapeutic strategy in p47-phox deficient chronic granulomatous disease presenting as inflammatory bowel disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010;125(4):943-946.e1.
Pelin M, De Iudicibus S, Londero M, Spizzo R, Rossi SDei, Martelossi S, Ventura A, Decorti G, Stocco G. Thiopurine Biotransformation and Pharmacological Effects: Contribution of Oxidative Stress. Curr Drug Metab 2016;17(6):542-9.
Di Lorenzo G, Monasta L, Ceccarello M, Cecotti V, D'Ottavio G. Third trimester abdominal circumference, estimated fetal weight and uterine artery doppler for the identification of newborns small and large for gestational age. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2013;166(2):133-8.
Elks CE, Perry JRB, Sulem P, Chasman DI, Franceschini N, He C, Lunetta KL, Visser JA, Byrne EM, Cousminer DL, Gudbjartsson DF, Esko T, Feenstra B, Hottenga J-J, Koller DL, Kutalik Z, Lin P, Mangino M, Marongiu M, McArdle PF, Smith AV, Stolk L, van Wingerden SH, Zhao JHua, Albrecht E, Corre T, Ingelsson E, Hayward C, Magnusson PKE, Smith EN, Ulivi S, Warrington NM, Zgaga L, Alavere H, Amin N, Aspelund T, Bandinelli S, Barroso I, Berenson GS, Bergmann S, Blackburn H, Boerwinkle E, Buring JE, Busonero F, Campbell H, Chanock SJ, Chen W, Cornelis MC, Couper D, Coviello AD, d'Adamo P, de Faire U, de Geus EJC, Deloukas P, Döring A, Smith GDavey, Easton DF, Eiriksdottir G, Emilsson V, Eriksson J, Ferrucci L, Folsom AR, Foroud T, Garcia M, Gasparini P, Geller F, Gieger C, Gudnason V, Hall P, Hankinson SE, Ferreli L, Heath AC, Hernandez DG, Hofman A, Hu FB, Illig T, Järvelin M-R, Johnson AD, Karasik D, Khaw K-T, Kiel DP, Kilpeläinen TO, Kolcic I, Kraft P, Launer LJ, Laven JSE, Li S, Liu J, Levy D, Martin NG, McArdle WL, Melbye M, Mooser V, Murray JC, Murray SS, Nalls MA, Navarro P, Nelis M, Ness AR, Northstone K, Oostra BA, Peacock M, Palmer LJ, Palotie A, Paré G, Parker AN, Pedersen NL, Peltonen L, Pennell CE, Pharoah P, Polasek O, Plump AS, Pouta A, Porcu E, Rafnar T, Rice JP, Ring SM, Rivadeneira F, Rudan I, Sala C, Salomaa V, Sanna S, Schlessinger D, Schork NJ, Scuteri A, Segrè AV, Shuldiner AR, Soranzo N, Sovio U, Srinivasan SR, Strachan DP, Tammesoo M-L, Tikkanen E, Toniolo D, Tsui K, Tryggvadottir L, Tyrer J, Uda M, van Dam RM, van Meurs JBJ, Vollenweider P, Waeber G, Wareham NJ, Waterworth DM, Weedon MN, H Wichmann E, Willemsen G, Wilson JF, Wright AF, Young L, Zhai G, Zhuang WVivian, Bierut LJ, Boomsma DI, Boyd HA, Crisponi L, Demerath EW, van Duijn CM, Econs MJ, Harris TB, Hunter DJ, Loos RJF, Metspalu A, Montgomery GW, Ridker PM, Spector TD, Streeten EA, Stefansson K, Thorsteinsdottir U, Uitterlinden AG, Widen E, Murabito JM, Ong KK, Murray A. Thirty new loci for age at menarche identified by a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies. Nat Genet 2010;42(12):1077-85.

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