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[ Autore] Titolo Tipo Anno Filtri: Autore è Bianco, Anna Monica [Clear All Filters]
A common genetic background could explain early-onset Crohn's disease. Med Hypotheses 2012;78(4):520-2.
. Two‑gene mutation in a single patient: Biochemical and functional analysis for a correct interpretation of exome results. Mol Med Rep 2015;12(4):6128-32.
. Mevalonate kinase deficiency and IBD: shared genetic background. Gut 2014;63(8):1367-8.
. Family history in early-onset inflammatory bowel disease. J Gastroenterol 2013;48(1):144.
. Clarification of the pleiotropic effects of statins on mevalonate pathway and the feedback regulation of isoprenoids requires more comprehensive investigation. Cell Biochem Funct 2012;30(2):176.
. Genetics of inflammatory bowel disease from multifactorial to monogenic forms. World J Gastroenterol 2015;21(43):12296-310.