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Filtri: Autore è Noris, Patrizia  [Clear All Filters]
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Faleschini M, Melazzini F, Marconi C, Giangregorio T, Pippucci T, Cigalini E, Pecci A, Bottega R, Ramenghi U, Siitonen T, Seri M, Pastore A, Savoia A, Noris P. ACTN1 mutations lead to a benign form of platelet macrocytosis not always associated with thrombocytopenia. Br J Haematol 2018;183(2):276-288.
Bottega R, Marconi C, Faleschini M, Baj G, Cagioni C, Pecci A, Pippucci T, Ramenghi U, Pardini S, Ngu L, Baronci C, Kunishima S, Balduini CL, Seri M, Savoia A, Noris P. ACTN1-related thrombocytopenia: identification of novel families for phenotypic characterization. Blood 2015;125(5):869-72.
Pecci A, Biino G, Fierro T, Bozzi V, Mezzasoma A, Noris P, Ramenghi U, Loffredo G, Fabris F, Momi S, Magrini U, Pirastu M, Savoia A, Balduini C, Gresele P. Alteration of liver enzymes is a feature of the MYH9-related disease syndrome. PLoS One 2012;7(4):e35986.
Noris P, Schlegel N, Klersy C, Heller PG, Civaschi E, Pujol-Moix N, Fabris F, Favier R, Gresele P, Latger-Cannard V, Cuker A, Nurden P, Greinacher A, Cattaneo M, De Candia E, Pecci A, Hurtaud-Roux M-F, Glembotsky AC, Muñiz-Diaz E, Randi MLuigia, Trillot N, Bury L, Lecompte T, Marconi C, Savoia A, Balduini CL, Bayart S, Bauters A, Benabdallah-Guedira S, Boehlen F, Borg J-Y, Bottega R, Bussel J, De Rocco D, de Maistre E, Faleschini M, Falcinelli E, Ferrari S, Ferster A, Fierro T, Fleury D, Fontana P, James C, Lanza F, Duchez VLe Cam, Loffredo G, Magini P, Martin-Coignard D, Menard F, Mercier S, Mezzasoma A, Minuz P, Nichele I, Notarangelo LD, Pippucci T, Podda GMarco, Pouymayou C, Rigouzzo A, Royer B, Sie P, Siguret V, Trichet C, Tucci A, Saposnik B, Veneri D. Analysis of 339 pregnancies in 181 women with 13 different forms of inherited thrombocytopenia. Haematologica 2014;99(8):1387-94.

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