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Marzuillo P, Benettoni A, Germani C, Ferrara G, D'Agata B, Barbi E. Acquired long QT syndrome: a focus for the general pediatrician. Pediatr Emerg Care 2014;30(4):257-61.
Noris P, Schlegel N, Klersy C, Heller PG, Civaschi E, Pujol-Moix N, Fabris F, Favier R, Gresele P, Latger-Cannard V, Cuker A, Nurden P, Greinacher A, Cattaneo M, De Candia E, Pecci A, Hurtaud-Roux M-F, Glembotsky AC, Muñiz-Diaz E, Randi MLuigia, Trillot N, Bury L, Lecompte T, Marconi C, Savoia A, Balduini CL, Bayart S, Bauters A, Benabdallah-Guedira S, Boehlen F, Borg J-Y, Bottega R, Bussel J, De Rocco D, de Maistre E, Faleschini M, Falcinelli E, Ferrari S, Ferster A, Fierro T, Fleury D, Fontana P, James C, Lanza F, Duchez VLe Cam, Loffredo G, Magini P, Martin-Coignard D, Menard F, Mercier S, Mezzasoma A, Minuz P, Nichele I, Notarangelo LD, Pippucci T, Podda GMarco, Pouymayou C, Rigouzzo A, Royer B, Sie P, Siguret V, Trichet C, Tucci A, Saposnik B, Veneri D. Analysis of 339 pregnancies in 181 women with 13 different forms of inherited thrombocytopenia. Haematologica 2014;99(8):1387-94.
Noris P, Schlegel N, Klersy C, Heller PG, Civaschi E, Pujol-Moix N, Fabris F, Favier R, Gresele P, Latger-Cannard V, Cuker A, Nurden P, Greinacher A, Cattaneo M, De Candia E, Pecci A, Hurtaud-Roux M-F, Glembotsky AC, Muñiz-Diaz E, Randi MLuigia, Trillot N, Bury L, Lecompte T, Marconi C, Savoia A, Balduini CL, Bayart S, Bauters A, Benabdallah-Guedira S, Boehlen F, Borg J-Y, Bottega R, Bussel J, De Rocco D, de Maistre E, Faleschini M, Falcinelli E, Ferrari S, Ferster A, Fierro T, Fleury D, Fontana P, James C, Lanza F, Duchez VLe Cam, Loffredo G, Magini P, Martin-Coignard D, Menard F, Mercier S, Mezzasoma A, Minuz P, Nichele I, Notarangelo LD, Pippucci T, Podda GMarco, Pouymayou C, Rigouzzo A, Royer B, Sie P, Siguret V, Trichet C, Tucci A, Saposnik B, Veneri D. Analysis of 339 pregnancies in 181 women with 13 different forms of inherited thrombocytopenia. Haematologica 2014;99(8):1387-94.
Noris P, Schlegel N, Klersy C, Heller PG, Civaschi E, Pujol-Moix N, Fabris F, Favier R, Gresele P, Latger-Cannard V, Cuker A, Nurden P, Greinacher A, Cattaneo M, De Candia E, Pecci A, Hurtaud-Roux M-F, Glembotsky AC, Muñiz-Diaz E, Randi MLuigia, Trillot N, Bury L, Lecompte T, Marconi C, Savoia A, Balduini CL, Bayart S, Bauters A, Benabdallah-Guedira S, Boehlen F, Borg J-Y, Bottega R, Bussel J, De Rocco D, de Maistre E, Faleschini M, Falcinelli E, Ferrari S, Ferster A, Fierro T, Fleury D, Fontana P, James C, Lanza F, Duchez VLe Cam, Loffredo G, Magini P, Martin-Coignard D, Menard F, Mercier S, Mezzasoma A, Minuz P, Nichele I, Notarangelo LD, Pippucci T, Podda GMarco, Pouymayou C, Rigouzzo A, Royer B, Sie P, Siguret V, Trichet C, Tucci A, Saposnik B, Veneri D. Analysis of 339 pregnancies in 181 women with 13 different forms of inherited thrombocytopenia. Haematologica 2014;99(8):1387-94.
Pirastu N, Kooyman M, Traglia M, Robino A, Willems SM, Pistis G, d'Adamo P, Amin N, D'Eustacchio A, Navarini L, Sala C, Karssen LC, van Duijn C, Toniolo D, Gasparini P. Association analysis of bitter receptor genes in five isolated populations identifies a significant correlation between TAS2R43 variants and coffee liking. PLoS One 2014;9(3):e92065.
da Silva RCelerino, Segat L, da Cruz HLacerda Al, Schindler HCharifker, Montenegro LMaria Lapa, Crovella S, Guimarães RLima. Association of CD209 and CD209L polymorphisms with tuberculosis infection in a Northeastern Brazilian population. Mol Biol Rep 2014;41(8):5449-57.
Pederiva F, Daniela C, Scarpa M-G, Guida E, Dragovic D, Martelossi S. An asymptomatic multiple magnet ingestion with transmesenteric entero-enteric fistula. APSP J Case Rep 2014;5(2):16.
Faletra F, d'Adamo AP, Bruno I, Athanasakis E, Biskup S, Esposito L, Gasparini P. Autosomal recessive Stickler syndrome due to a loss of function mutation in the COL9A3 gene. Am J Med Genet A 2014;164A(1):42-7.
Tricarico PMaura, Kleiner G, Valencic E, Campisciano G, Girardelli M, Crovella S, Knowles A, Marcuzzi A. Block of the mevalonate pathway triggers oxidative and inflammatory molecular mechanisms modulated by exogenous isoprenoid compounds. Int J Mol Sci 2014;15(4):6843-56.
Norbedo S, Naviglio S, Murru FMaria, Cavallin R, Giurici N, Rabusin M, Barbi E. A boy with sudden headache. Pediatr Emerg Care 2014;30(3):182-4.

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