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Filtri: First Letter Of Last Name è S and Autore is Salomè, Murielle  [Clear All Filters]
Journal Article
Pascolo L, Borelli V, Canzonieri V, Gianoncelli A, Birarda G, Bedolla DE, Salomè M, Vaccari L, Calligaro C, Cotte M, Hesse B, Luisi F, Zabucchi G, Melato M, Rizzardi C. Differential protein folding and chemical changes in lung tissues exposed to asbestos or particulates. Sci Rep 2015;5:12129.
Delfino R, Biasotto M, Candido R, Altissimo M, Stebel M, Salomè M, van Elteren JT, Mikuš KVogel, Zennaro C, Šala M, Addobbati R, Tromba G, Pascolo L. Gadolinium tissue deposition in the periodontal ligament of mice with reduced renal function exposed to Gd-based contrast agents. Toxicol Lett 2019;301:157-167.
Cammisuli F, Giordani S, Gianoncelli A, Rizzardi C, Radillo L, Zweyer M, Da Ros T, Salomè M, Melato M, Pascolo L. Iron-related toxicity of single-walled carbon nanotubes and crocidolite fibres in human mesothelial cells investigated by Synchrotron XRF microscopy. Sci Rep 2018;8(1):706.
Pascolo L, Venturin I, Gianoncelli A, Bortul R, Zito G, Giolo E, Salomè M, Bedolla DE, Altissimo M, Zweyer M, Ricci G. Light element distribution in fresh and frozen-thawed human ovarian tissues: a preliminary study. Reprod Biomed Online 2018;37(2):153-162.
Delfino R, Altissimo M, Menk RHendrik, Alberti R, Klatka T, Frizzi T, Longoni A, Salomè M, Tromba G, Arfelli F, Clai M, Vaccari L, Lorusso V, Tiribelli C, Pascolo L. X-ray fluorescence elemental mapping and microscopy to follow hepatic disposition of a Gd-based magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2011;38(12):834-45.

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