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Filtri: Autore è Ronfani, Luca and First Letter Of Title is R  [Clear All Filters]
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Starc M, Norbedo S, Tubaro M, Ronfani L, Bassanese G, Barbi E. Red Flags in Torticollis: A Historical Cohort Study. Pediatr Emerg Care 2018;34(7):463-466.
Monasta L, Erenbourg A, Restaino S, Lutje V, Ronfani L. Review of the scientific literature on the health of the Roma and Sinti in Italy. Ethn Dis 2012;22(3):367-71.
Flaugnacco E, Lopez L, Terribili C, Zoia S, Buda S, Tilli S, Monasta L, Montico M, Sila A, Ronfani L, Schön D. Rhythm perception and production predict reading abilities in developmental dyslexia. Front Hum Neurosci 2014;8:392.
Erenbourg A, Wiesenfeld U, Ronfani L. Risk of preterm delivery in relation to maternal use of psychotropic medications during pregnancy: methodological issues. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010;203(4):e12-3; author reply e13.
Maso G, Monasta L, Piccoli M, Ronfani L, Montico M, De Seta F, Parolin S, Businelli C, Travan L, Alberico S. Risk-adjusted operative delivery rates and maternal-neonatal outcomes as measures of quality assessment in obstetric care: a multicenter prospective study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2015;15:20.
Alberico S, Montico M, Barresi V, Monasta L, Businelli C, Soini V, Erenbourg A, Ronfani L, Maso G. The role of gestational diabetes, pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain on the risk of newborn macrosomia: results from a prospective multicentre study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2014;14:23.

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