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Pederiva F, Daniela C, Scarpa M-G, Guida E, Dragovic D, Martelossi S. An asymptomatic multiple magnet ingestion with transmesenteric entero-enteric fistula. APSP J Case Rep 2014;5(2):16.
Garziera M, Catamo E, Crovella S, Montico M, Cecchin E, Lonardi S, Mini E, Nobili S, Romanato L, Toffoli G. Association of the HLA-G 3'UTR polymorphisms with colorectal cancer in Italy: a first insight. Int J Immunogenet 2016;43(1):32-9.
Garziera M, Catamo E, Crovella S, Montico M, Cecchin E, Lonardi S, Mini E, Nobili S, Romanato L, Toffoli G. Association of the HLA-G 3'UTR polymorphisms with colorectal cancer in Italy: a first insight. Int J Immunogenet 2016;43(1):32-9.
da Silva RCelerino, Segat L, da Cruz HLacerda Al, Schindler HCharifker, Montenegro LMaria Lapa, Crovella S, Guimarães RLima. Association of CD209 and CD209L polymorphisms with tuberculosis infection in a Northeastern Brazilian population. Mol Biol Rep 2014;41(8):5449-57.
Comar M, Zanotta N, Croci E, Murru I, Marci R, Pancaldi C, Dolcet O, Luppi S, Martinelli M, Giolo E, Ricci G, Tognon M. Association between the JC polyomavirus infection and male infertility. PLoS One 2012;7(8):e42880.
Comar M, Zanotta N, Croci E, Murru I, Marci R, Pancaldi C, Dolcet O, Luppi S, Martinelli M, Giolo E, Ricci G, Tognon M. Association between the JC polyomavirus infection and male infertility. PLoS One 2012;7(8):e42880.
Comar M, Zanotta N, Croci E, Murru I, Marci R, Pancaldi C, Dolcet O, Luppi S, Martinelli M, Giolo E, Ricci G, Tognon M. Association between the JC polyomavirus infection and male infertility. PLoS One 2012;7(8):e42880.
Lima G, Santos E, Angelo H, Oliveira M, Heráclio S, Leite F, de Melo C, Crovella S, Maia M, Souza P. Association between p21 Ser31Arg polymorphism and the development of cervical lesion in women infected with high risk HPV. Tumour Biol 2016;37(8):10935-41.
Cenedese V, Mezzavilla M, Morgan A, Marino R, Ettorre CPietro, Margaglione M, Gasparini P, Menini A. Assessment of the olfactory function in Italian patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease caused by a homozygous 253 Kb deletion involving VWF and TMEM16B/ANO2. PLoS One 2015;10(1):e0116483.
Cenedese V, Mezzavilla M, Morgan A, Marino R, Ettorre CPietro, Margaglione M, Gasparini P, Menini A. Assessment of the olfactory function in Italian patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease caused by a homozygous 253 Kb deletion involving VWF and TMEM16B/ANO2. PLoS One 2015;10(1):e0116483.
Cenedese V, Mezzavilla M, Morgan A, Marino R, Ettorre CPietro, Margaglione M, Gasparini P, Menini A. Assessment of the olfactory function in Italian patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease caused by a homozygous 253 Kb deletion involving VWF and TMEM16B/ANO2. PLoS One 2015;10(1):e0116483.
Cenedese V, Mezzavilla M, Morgan A, Marino R, Ettorre CPietro, Margaglione M, Gasparini P, Menini A. Assessment of the olfactory function in Italian patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease caused by a homozygous 253 Kb deletion involving VWF and TMEM16B/ANO2. PLoS One 2015;10(1):e0116483.

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