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Maso G, Monasta L, Piccoli M, Ronfani L, Montico M, De Seta F, Parolin S, Businelli C, Travan L, Alberico S. Risk-adjusted operative delivery rates and maternal-neonatal outcomes as measures of quality assessment in obstetric care: a multicenter prospective study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2015;15:20.
Maso G, Monasta L, Piccoli M, Ronfani L, Montico M, De Seta F, Parolin S, Businelli C, Travan L, Alberico S. Risk-adjusted operative delivery rates and maternal-neonatal outcomes as measures of quality assessment in obstetric care: a multicenter prospective study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2015;15:20.
Maso G, Monasta L, Piccoli M, Ronfani L, Montico M, De Seta F, Parolin S, Businelli C, Travan L, Alberico S. Risk-adjusted operative delivery rates and maternal-neonatal outcomes as measures of quality assessment in obstetric care: a multicenter prospective study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2015;15:20.
Cozzi G, Ghirardo S, Fiorese I, Proietti I, Monasta L, Minute M, Barbi E, Calligaris L. Risk of hospitalisation after early-revisit in the emergency department. J Paediatr Child Health 2017;53(9):850-854.
Cozzi G, Ghirardo S, Fiorese I, Proietti I, Monasta L, Minute M, Barbi E, Calligaris L. Risk of hospitalisation after early-revisit in the emergency department. J Paediatr Child Health 2017;53(9):850-854.
Ricci G, Restaino S, Di Lorenzo G, Fanfani F, Scrimin F, Mangino FP. Risk of Essure microinsert abdominal migration: case report and review of literature. Ther Clin Risk Manag 2014;10:963-8.
Flaugnacco E, Lopez L, Terribili C, Zoia S, Buda S, Tilli S, Monasta L, Montico M, Sila A, Ronfani L, Schön D. Rhythm perception and production predict reading abilities in developmental dyslexia. Front Hum Neurosci 2014;8:392.
Flaugnacco E, Lopez L, Terribili C, Zoia S, Buda S, Tilli S, Monasta L, Montico M, Sila A, Ronfani L, Schön D. Rhythm perception and production predict reading abilities in developmental dyslexia. Front Hum Neurosci 2014;8:392.
Monasta L, Erenbourg A, Restaino S, Lutje V, Ronfani L. Review of the scientific literature on the health of the Roma and Sinti in Italy. Ethn Dis 2012;22(3):367-71.
Bobbo M, Amoroso S, Tamaro G, Gesuete V, Mottolese BD'agata, Barbi E, Ventura A. Retrospective study showed that palpitations with tachycardia on admission to a paediatric emergency department were related to cardiac arrhythmias. Acta Paediatr 2019;108(2):328-332.
Cesaro S, Tridello G, Castagnola E, Calore E, Carraro F, Mariotti I, Colombini A, Perruccio K, Decembrino N, Russo G, Maximova N, Baretta V, Caselli D. Retrospective study on the incidence and outcome of proven and probable invasive fungal infections in high-risk pediatric onco-hematological patients. Eur J Haematol 2017;99(3):240-248.
Cesaro S, Tridello G, Castagnola E, Calore E, Carraro F, Mariotti I, Colombini A, Perruccio K, Decembrino N, Russo G, Maximova N, Baretta V, Caselli D. Retrospective study on the incidence and outcome of proven and probable invasive fungal infections in high-risk pediatric onco-hematological patients. Eur J Haematol 2017;99(3):240-248.

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