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Cason C, Campisciano G, Zanotta N, Valencic E, Delbue S, Bella R, Comar M. SV40 Infection of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells From Wharton's Jelly Drives the Production of Inflammatory and Tumoral Mediators. J Cell Physiol 2017;232(11):3060-3066.
Castagnetti M, Gnech M, Angelini L, Rigamonti W, Bagnara V, Esposito C. Does Preputial Reconstruction Increase Complication Rate of Hypospadias Repair? 20-Year Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Pediatr 2016;4:41.
Castagnetti M, Bagnara V, Rigamonti W, Cimador M, Esposito C. Preputial reconstruction in hypospadias repair. J Pediatr Urol 2017;13(1):102-109.
Castagnola E, Rossi MR, Cesaro S, Livadiotti S, Giacchino M, Zanazzo G, Fioredda F, Beretta C, Ciocchello F, Carli M, Putti MCaterina, Pansini V, Berger M, Licciardello M, Farina S, Caviglia I, Haupt R. Incidence of bacteremias and invasive mycoses in children with acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia: results from a multi-center Italian study. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2010;55(6):1103-7.
Castellano G, Divella C, Sallustio F, Montinaro V, Curci C, Zanichelli A, Bonanni E, Suffritti C, Caccia S, Bossi F, Gallone A, Schena FPaolo, Gesualdo L, Cicardi M. A transcriptomics study of hereditary angioedema attacks. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2018;142(3):883-891.
Castiello U, Becchio C, Zoia S, Nelini C, Sartori L, Blason L, D'Ottavio G, Bulgheroni M, Gallese V. Wired to be social: the ontogeny of human interaction. PLoS One 2010;5(10):e13199.
Castro-Antunes MMaria, Crovella S, Brandão LAndré Cav, Guimarães RLima, Motta MEugênia F, da Silva GAlves Pont. Frequency distribution of HLA DQ2 and DQ8 in celiac patients and first-degree relatives in Recife, northeastern Brazil. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2011;66(2):227-31.
Catamo E, Addobbati C, Segat L, T Fragoso S, A Dantas T, H Mariz deAtaíde, L Junior Fda Rocha, PintoDuarte ALBranco, Coelho AVC, de Moura RR, Polesello V, Crovella S, P Garcia S. Comprehensive analysis of polymorphisms in the HLA-G 5' upstream regulatory and 3' untranslated regions in Brazilian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Tissue Antigens 2015;85(6):458-65.
Catamo E, Zupin L, Freato N, Polesello V, Celsi F, Crocè SL, Masutti F, Pozzato G, Segat L, Crovella S. HLA-G regulatory polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to HCV infection. HLA 2017;89(3):135-142.
Catamo E, Segat L, Lenarduzzi S, Petix V, Morgutti M, Crovella S. CD14 polymorphisms correlate with an augmented risk for celiac disease in Italian patients. Genes Immun 2012;13(6):489-95.
Catamo E, Zupin L, Segat L, Celsi F, Crovella S. HLA-G and susceptibility to develop celiac disease. Hum Immunol 2015;76(1):36-41.
Catamo E, Addobbati C, Segat L, T Fragoso S, A Barbosa D, A Dantas T, H Mariz deAtaíde, da Rocha LF, Duarte ALBranco P, Monasta L, Sandrin-Garcia P, Crovella S. HLA-G gene polymorphisms associated with susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis disease and its severity in Brazilian patients. Tissue Antigens 2014;84(3):308-15.

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