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Bembich S, Travan L, Cont G, Bua J, Strajn T, Demarini S. Cerebral oxygenation with different nasal continuous positive airway pressure levels in preterm infants. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2015;100(2):F165-8.
Bembich S, Demarini S, Clarici A, Massaccesi S, Grasso DLoenardo. Non-invasive assessment of hemispheric language dominance by optical topography during a brief passive listening test: a pilot study. Med Sci Monit 2011;17(12):CR692-7.
Bembich S, Marrazzo F, Barini A, Ravalico P, Cont G, Demarini S. The cortical response to a noxious procedure changes over time in preterm infants. Pain 2016;157(9):1979-87.
Bembich S, Fiani G, Strajn T, Sanesi C, Demarini S, Sanson G. Longitudinal Responses to Weighing and Bathing Procedures in Preterm Infants. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs 2017;31(1):67-74.
Bembich S, Oretti C, Travan L, Clarici A, Massaccesi S, Demarini S. Effects of prone and supine position on cerebral blood flow in preterm infants. J Pediatr 2012;160(1):162-4.
Bembi B, Pisa FEdith, Confalonieri M, Ciana G, Fiumara A, Parini R, Rigoldi M, Moglia A, Costa A, Carlucci A, Danesino C, Pittis MGabriela, Dardis A, Ravaglia S. Long-term observational, non-randomized study of enzyme replacement therapy in late-onset glycogenosis type II. J Inherit Metab Dis 2010;33(6):727-35.
Bellini A, Zanchi C, Martelossi S, Di Leo G, Not T, Ventura A. Compliance with the gluten-free diet: the role of locus of control in celiac disease. J Pediatr 2011;158(3):463-466.e5.
Bellazzo A, Di Minin G, Valentino E, Sicari D, Torre D, Marchionni L, Serpi F, Stadler MB, Taverna D, Zuccolotto G, Montagner IMonia, Rosato A, Tonon F, Zennaro C, Agostinis C, Bulla R, Mano M, Del Sal G, Collavin L. Cell-autonomous and cell non-autonomous downregulation of tumor suppressor DAB2IP by microRNA-149-3p promotes aggressiveness of cancer cells. Cell Death Differ 2018;25(7):1224-1238.
Bellaminutti S, Seraceni S, De Seta F, Gheit T, Tommasino M, Comar M. HPV and Chlamydia trachomatis co-detection in young asymptomatic women from high incidence area for cervical cancer. J Med Virol 2014;86(11):1920-5.
Becorpi A, Campisciano G, Zanotta N, Tredici Z, Guaschino S, Petraglia F, Pieralli A, Sisti G, De Seta F, Comar M. Fractional CO laser for genitourinary syndrome of menopause in breast cancer survivors: clinical, immunological, and microbiological aspects. Lasers Med Sci 2018;33(5):1047-1054.
Bava M, Bradashia F, Rovere F, Maestro A, Brumatti LVecchi, Accardo A, Paparazzo R, Zanon D. A web-based system for total parenteral nutrition prescription in a pediatric hospital - biomed 2010. Biomed Sci Instrum 2010;46:351-6.
Bastanza G, Gallus R, De Carlini M, Picciotti PM, Muzzi E, Ciciriello E, Orzan E, Conti G. Achieving effective hearing aid fitting within one month after identification of childhood permanent hearing impairment. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital 2016;36(1):38-44.

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