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Lima G, Santos E, Angelo H, Oliveira M, Heráclio S, Leite F, de Melo C, Crovella S, Maia M, Souza P. Association between p21 Ser31Arg polymorphism and the development of cervical lesion in women infected with high risk HPV. Tumour Biol 2016;37(8):10935-41.
Sorice R, Bione S, Sansanelli S, Ulivi S, Athanasakis E, Lanzara C, Nutile T, Sala C, Camaschella C, d'Adamo P, Gasparini P, Ciullo M, Toniolo D. Association of a variant in the CHRNA5-A3-B4 gene cluster region to heavy smoking in the Italian population. Eur J Hum Genet 2011;19(5):593-6.
Filho CB, Rodrigues FF, Segat L, Fonseca AM, Araujo J, Arahata C, Pontes L, Vilar L, Filho JL de Lima, Crovella S. Association of MBL2 gene exon 1 variants with autoimmune thyroid disease in Brazilian patients. Int J Immunogenet 2012;39(4):357-61.
Filho CB, Rodrigues FF, Segat L, Fonseca AM, Araujo J, Arahata C, Pontes L, Vilar L, Filho JL de Lima, Crovella S. Association of MBL2 gene exon 1 variants with autoimmune thyroid disease in Brazilian patients. Int J Immunogenet 2012;39(4):357-61.
Faletra F, d'Adamo AP, Bruno I, Athanasakis E, Biskup S, Esposito L, Gasparini P. Autosomal recessive Stickler syndrome due to a loss of function mutation in the COL9A3 gene. Am J Med Genet A 2014;164A(1):42-7.
Bulla R, Tripodo C, Rami D, Ling GSheng, Agostinis C, Guarnotta C, Zorzet S, Durigutto P, Botto M, Tedesco F. C1q acts in the tumour microenvironment as a cancer-promoting factor independently of complement activation. Nat Commun 2016;7:10346.
Bossi F, Tripodo C, Rizzi L, Bulla R, Agostinis C, Guarnotta C, Munaut C, Baldassarre G, Papa G, Zorzet S, Ghebrehiwet B, Ling GSheng, Botto M, Tedesco F. C1q as a unique player in angiogenesis with therapeutic implication in wound healing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014;111(11):4209-14.
Zanotta N, Tornesello MLina, Annunziata C, Stellato G, Buonaguro FMaria, Comar M. Candidate Soluble Immune Mediators in Young Women with High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection: High Expression of Chemokines Promoting Angiogenesis and Cell Proliferation. PLoS One 2016;11(3):e0151851.
Abate MValentina, Stocco G, Devescovi R, Carrozzi M, Pierobon C, Valencic E, Lucafò M, Di Silvestre A, d'Adamo P, Tommasini A, Decorti G, Ventura A. Carbamazepine-induced thrombocytopenic purpura in a child: Insights from a genomic analysis. Blood Cells Mol Dis 2016;59:97-9.
Quadrifoglio M, Faletra F, Bussani R, Pecile V, Zennaro F, Grasso A, Zandonà L, Alberico S, Stampalija T. A Case of Prenatal Neurocytoma Associated With ATR-16 Syndrome. J Ultrasound Med 2016;35(6):1359-61.
Naviglio S, Lacorte D, Lucafò M, Cifù A, Favretto D, Cuzzoni E, Silvestri T, Mucelli MPozzi, Radillo O, Decorti G, Fabris M, Bramuzzo M, Taddio A, Stocco G, Alvisi P, Ventura A, Martelossi S. Causes of Treatment Failure in Children With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treated With Infliximab: A Pharmacokinetic Study. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2019;68(1):37-44.

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