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Filtri: First Letter Of Last Name è C and Autore is Comar, Manola  [Clear All Filters]
Cason C, Monasta L, Zanotta N, Campisciano G, Maestri I, Tommasino M, Pawlita M, Villani S, Comar M, Delbue S. Antibody response to polyomavirus primary infection: high seroprevalence of Merkel cell polyomavirus and lymphoid tissue involvement. J Neurovirol 2018;24(3):314-322.
Campisciano G, Cason C, Palmisano S, Giuricin M, Rizzardi A, Croce LSaveria, De Manzini N, Comar M. Bariatric surgery drives major rearrangements of the intestinal microbiota including the biofilm composition. Front Biosci (Elite Ed) 2018;10:495-505.
Bonin S, Zanotta N, Sartori A, Bratina A, Manganotti P, Trevisan G, Comar M. Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytokine Expression Profile in Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy. Immunol Invest 2018;47(2):135-145.
Zanotta N, Campisciano G, Scrimin F, Blendi U, Marcuzzi A, Vincenti E, Crovella S, Comar M. Cytokine profiles of women with vulvodynia: Identification of a panel of pro-inflammatory molecular targets. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2018;226:66-70.
Becorpi A, Campisciano G, Zanotta N, Tredici Z, Guaschino S, Petraglia F, Pieralli A, Sisti G, De Seta F, Comar M. Fractional CO laser for genitourinary syndrome of menopause in breast cancer survivors: clinical, immunological, and microbiological aspects. Lasers Med Sci 2018;33(5):1047-1054.
Campisciano G, Zanotta N, Licastro D, De Seta F, Comar M. In vivo microbiome and associated immune markers: New insights into the pathogenesis of vaginal dysbiosis. Sci Rep 2018;8(1):2307.
Sukowati CHC, Patti R, Pascut D, Ladju RB, Tarchi P, Zanotta N, Comar M, Tiribelli C, Crocè LS. Serum Stem Cell Growth Factor Beta for the Prediction of Therapy Response in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Biomed Res Int 2018;2018:6435482.
Campisciano G, Zanotta N, Petix V, Corich L, De Seta F, Comar M. Vaginal microbiota dysmicrobism and role of biofilm-forming bacteria. Front Biosci (Elite Ed) 2018;10:528-536.

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