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Filtri: Autore è Crovella, S  [Clear All Filters]
Catamo E, Addobbati C, Segat L, T Fragoso S, A Dantas T, H Mariz deAtaíde, L Junior Fda Rocha, PintoDuarte ALBranco, Coelho AVC, de Moura RR, Polesello V, Crovella S, P Garcia S. Comprehensive analysis of polymorphisms in the HLA-G 5' upstream regulatory and 3' untranslated regions in Brazilian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Tissue Antigens 2015;85(6):458-65.
Santos SM, Souza CA, Rabelo KCN, Souza PRE, Moura RR, Oliveira TC, Crovella S. Distribution of forensic marker allelic frequencies in Pernambuco, Northestern Brazil. Genet Mol Res 2015;14(2):4303-10.
Angelo HD, Silva IIFGomes, Oliveira RDR, Louzada-Júnior P, Donadi EA, Crovella S, Maia MMD, de Souza PRE, Sandrin-Garcia P. Interleukin-18, interleukin-12B and interferon-γ gene polymorphisms in Brazilian patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a pilot study. Tissue Antigens 2015;86(4):276-8.
Coelho AVC, Moura RR, Cavalcanti CAJ, Guimarães RL, Sandrin-Garcia P, Crovella S, Brandão LAC. A rapid screening of ancestry for genetic association studies in an admixed population from Pernambuco, Brazil. Genet Mol Res 2015;14(1):2876-84.
Addobbati CJC, J Silva deAzevêdo, Tavares NAC, Araujo J, Guimarães RL, Brandão L, Crovella S, Sandrin-Garcia P. Short Communication FYB polymorphisms in Brazilian patients with type I diabetes mellitus and autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type III. Genet Mol Res 2015;14(1):29-33.

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