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Conversano E, Cozzi G, Poropat F, Di Mascio A, Salis S, Grasso DLeonardo, Barbi E. Adolescent with painful vesicular otitis and vertigo. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 2019;104(2):103-105.
Cozzi G, Zanchi C, Chiaretti A, Tipo V, Cernich M, D'Anna C, Fantacci C, Conversano E, Zanon D, Ronfani L, Barbi E. Administering analgesia sublingually is a suitable option for children with acute abdominal pain in the emergency department. Acta Paediatr 2019;108(1):143-148.
Cozzi G, Norbedo S, Barbi E. Authors' Reply to M.S. Raghuraman: "Intranasal Dexmedetomidine for Procedural Sedation in Children, a Suitable Alternative to Chloral Hydrate". Paediatr Drugs 2017;19(4):377.
Crovella S. Antimicrobial plant peptides isolated from native and crop species in Brazil: development of new drugs. Curr Protein Pept Sci 2010;11(3):180.
Cucca A, Stragapede L, Antonutti L, Catalan M, Caracciolo I, Valentinotti R, Granato A, D'Agaro P, Manganotti P. Acute myelitis as presenting symptom of HIV-HTLV-1 co-infection. J Neurovirol 2016;
Cuzzoni E, De Iudicibus S, Bartoli F, Ventura A, Decorti G. Association between BclI polymorphism in the NR3C1 gene and in vitro individual variations in lymphocyte responses to methylprednisolone. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2012;73(4):651-5.

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